First published 21st October, 2021
“The sky is blue and ecobear Baby Bear Rosa has just arrived back in the garden, with her friends Zana the rabbit & Tilda the hedgehog. They have had a fun-filled morning harvesting olives on a neighbour’s finca. Zana adores the beautiful colours of the small fruit. Tilda explains to Baby Bear Rosa that she can’t eat any yet as they are too bitter. The little olives have to be cured first, by soaking in salt water for at least 3 months – then they will be ready for sharing.
Meanwhile, ecobears Berry Scout & Savreth are in the kitchen, surrounded by spearmint aroma fresh mint – recently picked from the garden. It has been drying now for a few days and the bears’ job is to separate the dark green leaves from the stalks – so the leaves can then be stored in recycled glass jars…”