First published 28th April, 2022
“Today is calm as the sweet sound of birdsong fills the countryside. Plants and trees are greener and more lush by each new spring day. Ecobear Baby Bear Rosa is with Zana & Bree, the rabbits, in the orchard. The little bear is feeling very proud of herself indeed! Earlier, she stumbled across a tiny fig tree, hiding amongst the weeds at the edge of the garden. Bree, Zana & Baby Bear Rosa had been tasked to clear away some of the overgrown weeds. Upon finding the sapling, the three decided it should have a new home in the orchard – and promptly dug it up! Now it has pride of place and will be well looked after – to hopefully bear fruit in the future.
Meanwhile, ecobears Arc, Marlie & Berry Scout have been spending days working in the vegetable garden. Finally, after lots of soil preparation, the area is ready for planting. Trenches have been dug for water to collect and be utilised directly by the plants. The bears are so excited to be planting their crops of onions, tomatoes, peppers and sweetcorn – among other things! So hopefully there will be an abundance of food to harvest in the coming months…weather permitting..”